Letter from the Editor

Once an unoccupied horse stall, the 10x10 foot room in the big red barn was given a new purpose when it became my art studio in 2022. A dedicated place to create, to think, and to observe was all I needed in order to let my new path take root. From full-time accounting professional to full-time creative, this decision had not only a clearly drawn out plan, but also a faith-filled leap. 

Fast forward to today, this last horse stall in a row of three still remains an important space in my life. Its importance is now not only physical, but symbolic. ‘Stall Three’ reminds me of not only the importance of taking a leap of faith into the unknown, but it reminds me to embrace moments of pause and reflection. 

In today’s fast-paced, technological forward world, we all find ourselves jumping from topic to topic, not giving ourselves the time to slow down and engage with a thought deeper than the news headline. By taking the time to explore new subjects and ideas, one can cultivate a deeper understanding and appreciation for our world we live in.

Let’s rewrite the narrative. It’s okay to ‘stall’, because subconsciously, perhaps we delay action until we are in the right headspace to proceed. 


Just like the astronauts from Apollo to today, taking calculated leaps into the unknown, finding a new world of quiet in space, I encourage you to embrace the time for solitude. Taking the time to be quiet, to observe and to be curious, feels contrary to the world we live in. However, I think it is something that is innate within us. 

So dig deeper. 

Embrace the ‘stall’.

- Sterling Crawford, Founder and Editor of STALL Magazine

